Method 1 : Steps to block your State Bank Debit Card online:
1. Open SBI netbanking.

2. Go to e-services tab from the top menu.
3. Choose ATM card services.

4. Click on block ATM card.

5. Select the account no. linked with the debit card.

6. Press continue
7. On the next screen, it will display the ATM card details, ATM card no, its status (whether active or not).

8. Select the ATM card that you want to block.
9. Enter reason (lost or stolen). You can choose either of the reasons although you are blocking it for some other reason.
10. Enter the remarks (for your reference).
11. Press Submit.
12. It will ask you to enter your profile password or OTP sent to the registered mobile number.
13. A success message will appear confirming the ticket number after blocking the ATM card.
Method 2 : Block SBI ATM/Debit Card by SMS?

- From your registered mobile number SMS the following:-
BLOCK XXXX (XXXX are last four digits of your card) and send it to 567676
Method 3 : Block SBI ATM/Debit Card by calling customer care?
- Contact 1800 11 2211 (toll-free), 1800 425 3800 (toll-free) or 080-26599990.
Method 4 : Block SBI ATM/ Debit Card via mobile app?

- Install Mingle app on your Android or iPhone.
When to block your debit card (ATM card)?
- If card is lost/stolen
- In case your debit card details are compromised.
- You also need to block existing debit card first in case you need a new debit card or an upgraded one.
- If you have a maestro debit card that SBI issued a long ago and need replacement( get Visa or Master card). Remember some maestro cards don’t have CVV and expiry date on it. So, it is useless and not valid on many website purchases.