Your iPhones might be great at taking pictures but while sitting snuggly in your pocket they might be doing more harm than good. According to a South Korean agency, Apple products have alarming levels of radiations when compared to its archrival, Samsung. According to FCC, “SAR is a measure of the rate of RF (radiofrequency) […]
Category: Help

ICICI-AXIS Bank Will Charge Fees For Transactions Know Here About New Rules
ICICI–Axis आता या दोन्ही बँकेतून नॉन-बिझनेसच्या तासांमध्ये आणि सुट्ट्यांच्या दिवशी पैसे काढल्यास त्यावर शुल्क आकारले जाणार आहे. ICICI-Axis बँकांचा ग्राहकांना मोठा झटका, आता खात्यामध्ये पैसे जमा करण्यासाठी लागणार फी खासगी क्षेत्रातील सर्वात मोठ्या बँका असलेल्या ICICI Bank आणि Axis Bank ने ग्राहकांना मोठा झटका दिला आहे. आता या दोन्ही बँकेतून नॉन-बिझनेसच्या तासांमध्ये आणि सुट्ट्यांच्या दिवशी […]

How would I Talk to a Real Person at HP?
How would I converse with a genuine individual at hp? Here is the solution to your inquiry. In this post, we will discuss HP Customer Service. Here you will get all the correspondence information by which you can address a genuine individual rapidly. You will get all the strategies to reach them, for example, HP […]

Grofers Customer Care
Grofers Customer Care Toll Free Numbers In India, Free Helpline Numbers in India Grofers is an Indian online grocery delivery service. It was founded in December 2013 and is based out of Gurugram. As of 2018, the company has raised about $535.5 million from investors including SoftBank, Tiger Global and Sequoia Capital Grofers Customer Care […]

Jiomart Customer Care Number
JioMart Customer Care Number Helpline Number Online Dependence Industries’ entered the staple conveyance showcase with JioMart after the speculation from Facebook. JioMart to get intense rivalry from old players, for example, Bigbasket, Grofers, Amazon and Flipkart. As of late, they began working in excess of 200 urban areas and towns the nation over. However, fourteen […]

Corona Virus (COVID-19) State Wise Helpline Numbers & Testing Centres In India
All Support Corona Virus (COVID-19) State Wise Helpline Numbers & Testing Centres In India – List Of The 52 Testing Centres For Coronavirus In India. To contain the spread of novel Corona Virus (Covid-19), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has provided these helpline numbers of States & Union Territories (UTs). States 01. Andhra Pradesh 0866-2410978 02. […]

Coronavirus donation: List of celebrities
As PM Narendra Modi announced CARE fund for the nation in the fight against Coronavirus pandemic, distinguished celebrities, sports stars, and business personnel starting donation. Starting at the state level and national level several initiatives are taken by Govt and PM Modi’s CARE fund to fight Coronavirus is one of them. From Bollywood film stars, […]