List of Country Capitals in World

Capital cities are generally locations that serve as the centers of government, business, and education, making them population hubs and popular tourist destinations. While some countries, such as Italy and Germany, have multiple cities of cultural importance, others have just one major city that functions as a seat of government and cultural attraction. Some capital cities are more well-known that the countries in which they are located – for example, Iceland’s capital city of Reykjavik is a highly popular tourist destination, famous for its hot springs, but most tourists do not widely explore large parts of the rest of the country.
Country | Capital | Country | Capital |
Afghanistan | Kabul | Liechtenstein | Vaduz |
Albania | Tirana | Lithuania | Vilnius |
Algeria | Algiers | Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
American Samoa (USA) | Pago Pago | Macedonia | Skopje |
Andorra | Andorra La Vella | Madagascar | Antananarivo |
Angola | Luanda | Malawi | Lilongwe |
Anguilla (UK) | The Valley | Malaysia | Kuala Lumpur |
Antigua and Barbuda | Saint Johns | Maldives | Malé |
Argentina | Buenos Aires | Mali | Bamako |
Armenia | Yerevan | Malta | Valletta |
Aruba (Netherlands) | Oranjestad | Marshall Islands | Majuro |
Australia | Canberra | Mauritania | Nouakchott |
Austria | Vienna | Mauritius | Port Louis |
Azerbaijan | Baku | Mexico | Mexico City |
Bahamas | Nassau | Micronesia | Palikir |
Bahrain | Manama | Moldova | Chisinau |
Bangladesh | Dhaka | Monaco | Monaco |
Barbados | Bridgetown | Mongolia | Ulan Bator |
Belarus | Minsk | Montenegro | Podgorica |
Belgium | Brussels | Montserrat (UK) | Brades, Plymouth |
Belize | Belmopan | Morocco | Rabat |
Benin | Porto-Novo | Mozambique | Maputo |
Bermuda (UK) | Hamilton | Myanmar | Naypyidaw |
Bhutan | Thimphu | Namibia | Windhoek |
Bolivia | Sucre | Nauru | Yaren |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Sarajevo | Nepal | Kathmandu |
Botswana | Gaborone | Netherlands | Amsterdam |
Brazil | Brasília | New Caledonia (France) | Nouméa |
British Virgin Islands (UK) | Road Town | New Zealand | Wellington |
Brunei | Bandar Seri Begawan | Nicaragua | Managua |
Bulgaria | Sofia | Niger | Niamey |
Burkina Faso | Ouagadougou | Nigeria | Abuja |
Burundi | Bujumbura | Niue (New Zealand) | Alofi |
Cambodia | Phnom Penh | Norfolk Island (Australia) | Kingston |
Cameroon | Yaoundé | North Korea | Pyongyang |
Canada | Ottawa | Northern Mariana Islands (USA) | Saipan |
Cape Verde | Praia | Norway | Oslo |
Cayman Islands (UK) | George Town | Oman | Muscat |
Central African Republic | Bangui | Pakistan | Islamabad |
Chad | N’Djamena | Palau | Ngerulmud |
Chile | Santiago | Palestine | Ramallah and Gaza |
China | Beijing | Panama | Panama City |
Christmas Island (Australia) | Flying Fish Cove | Papua New Guinea | Port Moresby |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Australia) | West Island, Cocos Islands | Paraguay | Asunción |
Colombia | Bogotá | Peru | Lima |
Comoros | Moroni | Philippines | Manila |
Cook Islands (New Zealand) | Avarua | Pitcairn Islands (UK) | Adamstown |
Costa Rica | San José | Poland | Warsaw |
Croatia | Zagreb | Portugal | Lisbon |
Cuba | Havana | Puerto Rico (USA) | San Juan |
Curacao (Netherlands) | Willemstad | Qatar | Doha |
Cyprus | Nicosia | Republic of the Congo | Brazzaville |
Czech Republic | Prague | Romania | Bucharest |
D.R Congo | Kinshasa | Russia | Moscow |
Denmark | Copenhagen | Rwanda | Kigali |
Djibouti | Djibouti-city | Saint Barthelemy | Gustavia, Saint Barthélemy |
Dominica | Roseau | Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha (UK) | Jamestown |
Dominican Republic | Santo Domingo | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Basseterre |
East Timor (Timor-Leste) | Dili | Saint Lucia | Castries |
Ecuador | Quito | Saint Martin | Marigot |
Egypt | Cairo | Saint Pierre and Miquelon (France) | Saint-Pierre |
El Salvador | San Salvador | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Kingstown |
Equatorial Guinea | Malabo | Samoa | Apia |
Eritrea | Asmara | San Marino | San Marino |
Estonia | Tallinn | São Tomé and Príncipe | Sao Tome |
Ethiopia | Addis Ababa | Saudi Arabia | Riyadh |
Falkland Islands (UK) | Stanley | Senegal | Dakar |
Faroe Islands (Denmark) | Tórshavn | Serbia | Belgrade |
Fiji | Suva | Seychelles | Victoria |
Finland | Helsinki | Sierra Leone | Freetown |
France | Paris | Singapore | Singapore |
French Guiana (France) | Cayenne | Sint Maarten (Netherlands) | Philipsburg |
French Polynesia (France) | Papeete | Slovakia | Bratislava |
Gabon | Libreville | Slovenia | Ljubljana |
Gambia | Banjul | Solomon Islands | Honiara |
Georgia | Tbilisi | Somalia | Mogadishu |
Germany | Berlin | South Africa | Cape Town |
Ghana | Accra | South Korea | Seoul |
Gibraltar (UK) | Gibraltar | South Sudan | Juba |
Greece | Athens | Spain | Madrid |
Greenland (Denmark) | Nuuk | Sri Lanka | Sri Jayawardenapura-kotte |
Grenada | St. George’s | Sudan | Khartoum |
Guam (USA) | Hagatna | Suriname | Paramaribo |
Guatemala | Guatemala City | Swaziland | Mbabane |
Guernsey (UK) | Saint Peter Port | Sweden | Stockholm |
Guinea | Conakry | Switzerland | Bern |
Guinea-Bissau | Bissau | Syria | Damascus |
Guyana | Georgetown | Taiwan | Taipei |
Haiti | Port-au-prince | Tajikistan | Dushanbe |
Honduras | Tegucigalpa | Tanzania | Dodoma |
Hong Kong (China) | Hong Kong City | Thailand | Bangkok |
Hungary | Budapest | Togo | Lomé |
Iceland | Reykjavík | Tokelau (New Zealand) | Nukunonu, Atafu,Tokelau |
India | New Delhi | Tonga | Nuku’alofa |
Indonesia | Jakarta | Transnistria | Tiraspol |
Iran | Tehran | Trinidad and Tobago | Port of Spain |
Iraq | Baghdad | Tunisia | Tunis |
Ireland | Dublin | Turkey | Ankara |
Isle of Man (UK) | Douglas | Turkmenistan | Ashgabat |
Israel | Jerusalem | Turks and Caicos Islands (UK) | Cockburn Town |
Italy | Rome | Tuvalu | Funafuti |
Ivory Coast | Yamoussoukro | Uganda | Kampala |
Jamaica | Kingston | Ukraine | Kiev |
Japan | Tokyo | United Arab Emirates | Abu Dhabi |
Jersey (UK) | Saint Helier | United Kingdom | London |
Jordan | Amman | United States | Washington D.C. |
Kazakhstan | Astana | United States Virgin Islands (USA) | Charlotte Amalie |
Kenya | Nairobi | Uruguay | Montevideo |
Kiribati | Tarawa | Uzbekistan | Tashkent |
Kosovo | Pristina | Vanuatu | Port Vila |
Kuwait | Kuwait City | Vatican City | Vatican City |
Kyrgyzstan | Bishkek | Venezuela | Caracas |
Laos | Vientiane | Vietnam | Hanoi |
Latvia | Riga | Wallis and Futuna (France) | Mata-Utu |
Lebanon | Beirut | Western Sahara | El Aaiun |
Lesotho | Maseru | Yemen | Sana’a |
Liberia | Monrovia | Zambia | Lusaka |
Libya | Tripoli | Zimbabwe | Harare |