Union Bank has a 24×7 customer care toll free number and its customers, as well as non-customers, can call the following numbers to get their queries answered and issues resolved any time of the day:
1800 22 2244
The customer service team answers queries of its customers in 9 different languages. There is an alternative toll-free number provided to the customers if they find any difficulty in calling the above number. They can call at the number mentioned below and get the assistance of Union Bank customer service team:
1800 208 2244
People who enrol in the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) Scheme have been provided with a separate toll-free number. They can call at the following number to resolve all problems instantly:
1800 22 22 43
The bank has provided a dedicated number for NRIs which they can call to get all their queries answered and issues resolved. An NRI customer can reach Union Bank Customer representative at
In case customers are not able to contact any of the above-mentioned numbers, they can place a call at the toll number
However, calling to this number is chargeable and standard call rates apply for this call. People can also e-mail their queries, complaints, feedback, and suggestions at [email protected] in order to get their issues resolved through e-mail.
Union Bank of India credit card users can contact the customer service team to get services related to credit cards or resolution of issues related to credit cards by calling the following numbers:
1800 22 32 22 (toll-free)
022-40426008 (charged)
Union Bank of India Central Office
Union Bank of India operates from Mumbai and people can also reach out to the head office to get their queries resolved. The address of the central office is:
Union Bank Bhavan, 239, Vidhan Bhavan Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India- 400 021
Union Bank Departmental Heads
Personal Banking & Operations
Area of Operation
Resources mobilization including SB, CD, Customer Service & Operations
IT Policy, Planning, and Operations pertaining to Data Centre, DR site, Internet Banking, Network Management, Data Warehouse, Document Management, IT Security Management etc.
All types of loans for Agriculture and Allied Activities, Finance to Microfinance Institutions, Micro Credit, Government Sponsored Schemes, and overseeing of Regional Rural Banks
Overseeing Branchless Banking activities [Smart Card customers and customers served away from branch through Business Correspondents] involving Micro-savings, Micro-remittance, Micro-Loans, Micro-Insurance etc.